Aug 28, 2009

The Plague!

I really hate getting every stupid sickness that floats around. I have the plague now and had to call out today. Awesome. Working in a pharmacy is really hazardous to my health.

I got my study guide in the mail the other day! It's scary. 500 pages of dense mathematical formulas and few explanations. The review chapter is scary and I already know how to do all of it! I need to go through at least a few pages a day, but I don't know how useful that would be when I'm sick. I can barely pay attention to the movie I'm watching because of the gunk sloshing around in my head. I'm watching Ice Age. Yeah. Not exactly a thought provoking movie... I never realized how often I tilt my head to one side or the other until it started hurting my ears.

I'm about half done with the foot of the first Kai-Mei sock. It's really cool how that one lace panel just floats across the top of the foot. I love it!


Anonymous said...

Muahahahaha! I have internets! Sorta. :)

and seriously, I hear equally retarded things from people every day at my job. The part that's really sad is that I hear equally (and more) retarded things from my coworkers...who have at least an associate degree. Nice to know there's a bunch of morons distributing our hard earned tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Well shit. I posted a reply to the wrong entry. I lose at internets today.

Unknown said...

Ha! No worries, girl. I figured you were talking about the stupid questions post. :p

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