Apr 17, 2010

Tonight's Beer:

Moa beer from New Zealand, Young's Double Chocolate Stout, and New Holland Poet oatmeal stout. I had a Session Lager with lunch today, and it was FANTASTIC! E was 100% correct when he said that it's a great lawnmower beer. It is exactly what you want to drink during/after working in the yard on a hot day. No aftertaste, incredibly tasty and refreshing, light on the alcohol so you're not incapacitated too early in the day... J is having a J.K. Scrumpy Hard Cider right now. It's pretty damned good as far as cider goes. It smells like straight apple juice, and is organic, unfiltered, and all that jazz.

My blog is quickly becoming a beer blog. My hands hurt too bad to knit after typing all day (I am going to work on a pair of socks tonight though), I don't have a table sturdy enough for my sewing machine, and there's really nothing else I do with my life except work. Fail... At least I like the industry I work in?


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