Apr 27, 2010

Wii Fit Plus

We finally found one at Target yesterday. Yay! Bonus points for it being on sale. I'm totally excited. I even cleaned the living room so I could play with it. Of course, J has played with it way more than I have even though I'm the one who paid for it... In fact, he won't even let me watch X-Files on netflix streaming because he cannot stop playing the damned thing. He won't even let me keep a top score for an evening. He had to get right on it after I was finished and beat all of my top scores. Figures...

Thursday is Flogging Molly! Hopefully I won't have to work horrendously late that night. I'll be working 10-12 hour days pretty much every night for the next two weeks because my boss has to drop shit on me at the very last minute at the busiest time of the month.  Asshat.

Apr 17, 2010

Tonight's Beer:

Moa beer from New Zealand, Young's Double Chocolate Stout, and New Holland Poet oatmeal stout. I had a Session Lager with lunch today, and it was FANTASTIC! E was 100% correct when he said that it's a great lawnmower beer. It is exactly what you want to drink during/after working in the yard on a hot day. No aftertaste, incredibly tasty and refreshing, light on the alcohol so you're not incapacitated too early in the day... J is having a J.K. Scrumpy Hard Cider right now. It's pretty damned good as far as cider goes. It smells like straight apple juice, and is organic, unfiltered, and all that jazz.

My blog is quickly becoming a beer blog. My hands hurt too bad to knit after typing all day (I am going to work on a pair of socks tonight though), I don't have a table sturdy enough for my sewing machine, and there's really nothing else I do with my life except work. Fail... At least I like the industry I work in?

Apr 10, 2010


Dogfish Head Sah'Tea is absolutely amazing beer. I think I'm going to have to buy a bottle or a case every time I see it in order to stock up. "Ale brewed with black chai tea and juniper berries." Sounds weird and maybe a little disgusting, but it is just amazing. It's the chai spices that make it so good. I may be forced to drink this whole 25.4 oz bottle. Can't waste good beer, right? I may not be able to stand up after I finish this bottle since it's 9% alcohol (and my third beer for the evening... plus a few good sized gulps of wine...), but I think it will be well worth it.

This beer is a really pretty colour. I figured it'd be a bit darker, but it's actually a really nice medium amber colour... I had to pour some into a glass and stick the rest back in the fridge because there is no way I can drink it before it gets warm. Warm beer is disgusting...

Pardon any typos, spelling, or grammar errors, my dear Grammar and Spelling Nazis. I believe I have not had enough to eat today to be drinking as much beer as I have. The world is getting a little bit floaty, and my fingers are not cooperating with my brain. I guess I won't be knitting anymore tonight while I continue with my Doctor Who marathon.

Star Trek Meets Monty Python

I think this video is an excellent way to start the weekend. 

Apr 4, 2010

Mission Complete!

Yesterday, I found shoes to replace my sad Vans that finally died this past week. It was a mission. An epic quest for foot comfort and style. After scouring the town, I ended up with a pair of Simple Shoes. Brown with elastic "ties" instead of shoelaces. The L: I haz it. They are incredibly comfy, but were more than I really planned on spending. It's so hard for me to find shoes that fit, so I end up having to sacrifice one of my three requirements (comfort, fit, price). Oh, well. I'm happy with my purchase. I'm also pleased with the fact that they're green and eco-friendly and all that jazz. They're even vegan and the soles are made from recycled tires! I'm not vegan, and I wasn't really aiming for fancy shoes with old tires for soles, but it all ends up being bonus points.

I made pear cobbler this morning and lasagna for dinner. They were both very tasty. I also scrubbed the kitchen counters and the stove top this morning. Much more effort than I generally put into life on a Sunday. Usually Sundays are my leave-me-alone-and-let-me-die-before-monday days. It's not that I hate my job, it's just that I hate Mondays. I always walk into a shitstorm from the weekend with people wanting shit NOWNOWNOW, despite the fact that they didn't bother to mention the project to me until Sunday night. This is utterly useless to me because I do NOT check my work email over the weekend, and now that I have a handle on my job, I do NOT work weekends unless I absolutely have to... Anyway, I plan to make fish tacos Wednesday night, turkey burgers Thursday, and baked chicken that may or may not be stuffed with cheesy goodness on Friday night. Yum. I was thinking about making cheesecake sometime this week, but I feel like I might be too L to bother with it...