Sep 29, 2009


I have a job interview in two weeks! Yay! It's just for a bank teller position, but it's full time and pays more than I'm making now. It's a step up! Now I just need to go shopping for an interview outfit. That should be fun... My old nice clothes don't fit anymore (and are probably fairly ratty by now), and my uniform of sorts for the last 13-14 years has been jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, and chucks. I'm 25 and still dress like I did when I was in 6th grade. Fashion fail.

Also, drinking vodka and cranberry juice is like getting drunk on Disneyland. I still need to go to a really seedy dive and ask the bartender, "Can you surprise me with something that tastes like candy and Disneyland?" I'll probably end up with a Midori Sour...


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