Apr 30, 2011


I've been bitching and whining about this at every opportunity, so I'm going to do it here too! Something is wrong with the ulnar nerve in my left elbow. It's pinched or trapped or something. Whatever it is, it hurts. My left pinky, ring finger, and that entire side of my hand are numb, I'm having problems gripping things with that hand so I'm dropping damn near everything I touch, doing anything makes my elbow hurt, and I'm going stir crazy because I can't do anything. I've already been to the doctor about it, have drugs for it, and have a referral to an ortho if it stays the same or gets worse in the next 10 days or so, but I'm still going to bitch and complain about it... Knitting hurts. Driving hurts (putting the seat belt on, taking it off, and opening the door is the worst). Watering the veggie garden hurts. Typing hurts (but you see it's not stopping me from going slow with one hand!). Grocery shopping made my hand and fingers burn, go even more numb (didn't think it was possible!), and made my elbow hurt like hell. I didn't even use my left arm! I literally pushed the mini two tier cart around with one hand, and looked like an idiot using only my right hand to pay and load my groceries into the car...

I am 100% not amused with this shit. Next week is my busiest week of the month, and I can't not type and do computer work. I have no one to help me or cover for me. No one in the office knows what I do, and the few times I've tried to train someone on the essential things to do while I'm on vacation they end up getting overwhelmed with it all and having major meltdowns. The office joke is that the GM's don't know what I do every day, but they don't want to bother me to ask because I always look really busy doing whatever it is I do... And it is such a bizarre feeling to have 1.5 numb fingers and about 1/3rd of my hand numb. The gripping thing is a really weird feeling too. I feel like I have a good grip on something, but then I end up dropping it even if I concentrate on NOT dropping it! It's actually a little bit scary. When it first happened and then wouldn't go away, I was sitting in a meeting (in MA of all places...) going "Holy shit, what if I'm having a stroke?! I can't have a stroke in front of all of these people! I just turned 27! I'm way too young to be having a stroke!" One of the IT guys saw the slight panic in my face, and stopped his presentation to ask me if I was ok. I just went "I think so...... But now I'm shaky and don't know if it's from being freaked out because my fingers and hand are numb and won't go back to normal or because I need some sugar. Could someone please hand me a little bit of orange juice??" When I didn't drop, I decided to just ignore it for the moment, but then it got worse on Friday and.... Yeah. It's worse today than it was Friday, so hopefully the drugs will start helping once they kick in. I only took the pain killer last night and started the prednisone this morning. The pain killer makes my knee stop hurting, but really doesn't touch the elbow. Fail. I have a love/hate relationship with the prednisone. It makes me lose my appetite, but my asthma is GONE while I'm on it. It's awesome to be able to breathe like a normal person, but it sucks because I can't eat.

So to make myself feel better, I'm watching crappy tv shows and making potato soup in the vitamix for dinner. I had a lot of things that I was planning on doing this weekend, but all of them result in more pain. It sucks. I'm bored. I'm the type of person who has to be doing something all the time. I can't watch a movie without doing something with my hands otherwise I lose it. I ended up reading for the majority of the day, but my nook ran out of charge and I was getting fidgety anyway. I wonder if the new Doctor Who will be up on Zune late late tonight or tomorrow....

Feb 6, 2011

New Toys, New Place, and Evil Sickness

I swear the whole state is sick right now. The flu is ripping through my office, J has been sick with the creeping crud for a few weeks, I had a stomach thing Monday, and now I've got the creeping that J had. Awesome. I was supposed to work all weekend, but couldn't do anything yesterday. Hopefully I don't fuck anything up today.

In other news, we're moving!! YAY! We found a great little 3 bedroom house with a fenced in yard in a good neighborhood. Rent is a good price, there are two HUGE trees in the backyard, J can have his veggie garden, I can have a library/office/yarn room in one of the bedrooms (I have my eye on the littlest one that's right off the kitchen), all electric everything (no gas or oil bill!!), washer and dryer included in a mud room attached to the kitchen (the mud room is huge!), big kitchen, hardwood floors, a driveway, and a locking shed. No garage or dishwasher, but that's ok. We sign the lease tomorrow. The neighborhood is super quiet, people aren't afraid to park nice cars on the street, about 3/4 of a mile from a library (the ebooks are compatible with my nook!), close to the 295 (which means a quicker commute for me whether or not we move warehouses), close to a recreation center (I'll have to look into it, but I see they have a pool, which would be nice to walk to if they have adult only swim hours), and close to the airport. No buses roaring through the neighborhood, no bright shiny LED signs lighting up my bedroom like it's daylight 24 hours a day, no clubs nearby, and no people right up next to me (the houses have a decent distance between them). Love.

My mother sent me two housewarming gifts for the new place even though we haven't moved yet. 1) A Vitamix and 2) a friggin' Dyson vacuum! I've used the Vitamix three times this weekend. I love it. It's amazing. It just pulverizes anything you put in it. I made a smoothie from kiwis, a pear, lime juice, lots of honey, and ice in about 10 seconds. The ice went POOF!! And then I had frozen smoothie goodness... I also made raspberry soy milk (but I blended it too long so it got foamy), and soup. The soup is what made me fall in love with the Vitamix. I made a baked potato soup with cheese and bacon. The potatoes and bacon were cooked ahead of time. I threw everything into the Vitamix COLD, turned it up to high, and then 5 minutes later I had hot steamy soup. I'm honestly a little scared of the thing. Anything that pulverizes potatoes and makes about a quart of molten lava soup in 5 minutes should be feared. I want to make the avocado tortilla soup recipe that came with the Vitamix next. I also need to make ice cream this week before J leaves. You can seriously make ice cream in a few minutes in this thing. Freakin' amazing!!

Oh, and the Dyson. It shipped yesterday, so I will report back after I've been able to re-vacuum my carpet. It's actually a carpet and hardwood floor model, so it probably won't suck quit as much as the Dyson Animal, but it should suck better than my crappy $30 vacuum! And I so mean "suck" in the good way that a vacuum should... I can't wait to take it to the interior of my car. First thing I'm doing on the first warm weekend after we move is cleaning my car. I will wash it, vacuum it, windex the interior windows, clean all of the dust and crap out of the crevices, and finally get all of the broken glass out of the back from when my car got broken into.

I have read more books this year than I did all last year. I've completed the Hunger Games series (crack on paper, I tell you), two of the three Parasol Protectorate books (about 60 pages from the end of the third), and..... I read two other books, but I can't remember what they were. The sickness is invading my brain! I love my nook.

Right. Back to work.

HEY! I can add a "house" tag now!! This is exciting. It's been nearly 10 years since I've lived in a house.