I'm thinking about taking a couple of classes from the Yarn Lounge this spring, and starting to go to knit nights. They're offering a Fair Isle class and a drop spindle class. While I already know how to spin, I'd like to improve. I have a feeling that the reason it's so awkward is because I'm doing it completely wrong... As for Fair Isle, I want to learn it, but I'm lazy. No better way to kick myself in the ass than to actually take a class... I feel like I should at least make an effort at being social sometimes, so I guess going to knit nights once a month is a good start. I'd like to take a couple of sewing classes, but I don't have a place at home to sew. It's really hard to sew when the only table is very shaky and tends to wobble with the slightest touch.
We're planning on moving in March! Yay! We have an apartment complex picked out, so now we just need to see if they're going to have any availabilities in March. Late February would even be ok. I don't mind paying double rent for a month or two as long as we get the hell out of this shitbox! I'm so sick of this place.
On that note, here is a Satan Kitty for you:
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