Oct 2, 2010

Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey...

I haven't been blogging lately because, frankly, I have very little to blog about. I've been reading, taking pictures, pondering how I came to dress like a fucking hipster, and not knitting much at all.

I've finished reading all of the Sookie Stackhouse books except for the most recent one, finished Neverwhere, re-read a few old favorites, and am about half done with The Court of the Air. Sookie is like crack coated brain candy. I hated the first book, read the second one in the hopes that she met a horrible death, and was hooked like a crack addict from there on out. I won't read the newest one until I see it in paperback though... Neverwhere was excellent. I loved every second of it even though it gave me weird dreams... The Court of the Air is interesting, but it moves a little too slow. We'll see if it gets better because I love the premise...

Peek-tures. I had to go to Vermont for a work thing last week. Having never been to Vermont (or north of DC for that matter...), naturally I took my camera. I met a little turtle friend and found a lonely boat.


I also went on a walk today down to the state capitol and took more pictures of the roses than of the capitol, because that's how I roll.


Yes, I dress like a fucking hipster. I caught a glimpse of myself in a reflective window in VT and realized I was dressed just like the assholes I was making fun of earlier in the day with their tight jeans, plaid shirts, and rude demeanor. While I can be a rude asshole, I am generally much less rude than the assholes I was making fun of. One of them had gorgeous tattoos though... I'm craving a new tattoo now... I also just bought a new pair of tight jeans and a plaid shirt yesterday. The shirt was only $15, and it's the orange and brown autumn colours that look amazing on me. I couldn't pass it up.

Anyway, I haven't finished knitting anything in a long while. My hands hurt too bad by the time I get home, and I'm too tired to concentrate. But that didn't stop me from buying yarn in VT! I bought 3 skeins of blue Malabrigo lace. I'm thinking a light cardigan... I could knit tonight since I'm just going to sit around and watch Doctor Who, and my hands aren't hurting too bad since I got to spend all day yesterday taking pictures of beer. My job title is not "Beer Photographer". I do not enjoy taking pictures of 50 different items in a dark, humid warehouse.

Oh! I almost forgot! J and I went to the fair last weekend. It was pretty standard as far as fairs go, but I got licked by a goat. A goat! I put my hand out so he could sniff me before I started scratching his head, and he just started licking me like a dog would. It was excellent! I kept expecting him to try to eat my hand, but he just kept lick lick licking away. He let me scratch his sides and neck. He was a sweet goat... I felt bad for the alpacas this year. There were so many screaming children around them, and they all looked so stressed and freaked out that I wanted their people to hug them. The alpacas, not the children...


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