Oct 3, 2010

In a Moment of Weakness...

I bought a Lock & Lock bento set. It's supposed to be a red and grey striped bag with red plastic containers, but I have a feeling it's going to show up looking more pinkish and tan... Regardless, I bought it in the hopes that I can force myself to brown bag stripe bag my lunch on weekdays. I have got to stop eating out. It's unhealthy and expensive. The problem with bringing my lunch is that I end up eating at my desk while I work, so I don't actually get a true lunch break. If I have to leave the office to forage for food, then I actually get something resembling a break. I'm thinking about heating up my lunch and then sitting in my car while I eat. I hate the car lunch, but it's my only option.

I've had excellent luck with bento lunches every time I've made them, I just never had a good container that didn't require five million cupcake cups every day. I hate using cupcake cups for more than two things. They're fiddly... I love bento because I like having small amounts of a lot of different foods. I get bored eating only a bowl of spaghetti or only a sandwich. Honestly, I don't even like sandwiches enough to eat a whole one without pulling the bread off and munching on the filling.

Now I just have to start making extra food at dinner and remembering to pack my lunch. Oh, and actually remembering to grab it on my way out the door instead of remembering it when I get to the office - 23 miles away from my fridge. Once I'm at work, there really is no going back. It's just too far to drive 30 minutes back into the city when I can head down the street and pick up some fried chicken at the gas station. Not to mention the fact that I technically only get a 30 minute lunch break.

All of this lunch talk has made me hungry. I ate dinner way too early today.


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