Mar 21, 2010

(This is a Parenthetical Blog Post)

As the steroid dosage starts tapering off (it was one of those things where you start out with a mega high dose for the first day and then it drops down by about 4mg every day until you're down to nothing), I'm noticing a few things. 1) I do not do happy highs like I used to. I am just cranky and bitchy like an old lady with too many cats and no one to clean the cat boxes. 2) My hands have not hurt since Friday (arthritis), 3) my knee has not hurt since Friday (except for when I stood up too fast and the damned thing buckled on me), and 4) I've not had any of my usual daily mild asthma issues. J thinks I need to be on a low dose of this stuff at all times. I'd almost agree with him if it didn't make me so high and weaken my already weak immune system, but on the other hand... Besides the creeping crud and the still slightly itchy skin (this was one HELL of an allergic reaction), I haven't been this pain free since high school.

I just stuck a peach cobbler in the oven. I used canned peaches that we've had for a couple of years... J is convinced that there will be an apocalypse of some kind "soon". Whether it be zombies, nuuuu-cleeee-aaaar wessles (name that movie!), biological or chemical warfare, global thermonuclear war (name this other movie!), a natural disaster, or even simply a sharp drop in the iq of the people of earth (wait a minute.....), J is ready for it. We have costco sized bags of flour, sugar, and rice, canned goods up the ass, MREs, and a stockpile of tea (well, the tea just came from my inability to not buy tea when I see it, but I'll blame it on J anyway). We could seriously eat well for a month just on the stockpiled food. Unfortunately, this stockpiled food needs to be rotated out and eaten before it expires. So. I am trying to use up canned peaches (which I don't like unless they're home-canned), canned green beans (the smell squicks me out, but they're ok once boiled to death), and canned diced tomatoes (I don't eat tomatoes unless they are cooked to a sauce or a ketchup, and there are only so many times I can stand to make tomato sauce myself). What do I do with all of this? If this cobbler turns out well, I've got the peach situation settled, but green beans and tomatoes? I guess I could make a quick soup at some point (quick soup = broth from a cube, noodles, canned veggies, leftover meat, and whatever spices are needed to cover up the taste), but what the hell else can I use this stuff for? I don't like green bean casseroles. I could use the tomatoes for chili if I weren't too lazy to make chili...

I've only knit about 5 rows of anything in the last 2 weeks. I failed at finishing J's scarf before it got warm. I failed at finishing my sweater vest before it got warm. I failed at finishing any of the shawls before it got warm. FAIL. I've also noticed that I completely failed at baby blanket knitting also. All of the friends who were supposed to get baby blankets no longer have babies. They have toddlers wreaking havoc on everything. I am now stuck with..... 3 (?) different half finished baby blankets. There are also a couple of half finished baby sweaters and hats. Finishing shit fail...

(It seems that I love parenthetical statements today)

I was trying to put some pictures up today, but I can't find the only working SD card reader in the apartment. Figures. The one day I have time to weed through the crap and actually want to weed through the crap happens to be the one day I can't find the card reader.

My birthday is in three days. I have to work that day, but it's pay day. What should I get myself for my birthday? I'm on a yarn diet (gift yarn does not count! *rubs face on the beautiful red Malabrigo lace J's mom got me for an early birthday gift*). I desperately need work clothes and nicer shoes, but that does not make a good birthday gift... I could get that new-to-me sewing machine serviced and cleaned! Then I could treat myself to some sewing time (do not tell me to treat myself with new fabric.... yarn diet also = fabric diet)! I could maybe finish that quilt that's been ready to put together for.... two years now? Or maybe finish that bag that's been pinned together for..... three years? Possibly cut up some of those t-shirts into a comfy skirt or a t-shirt bag? Mmmm.... *shivers with anticipation* I see more unfinished projects in my future.

Oh! Beer! I tried two new beers this week. I had a bottle of Chimay blue label and a can of Blue Mountain Full Nelson (local beer from Afton!). The Chimay was very good, but way too strong for my sick body to handle. The Blue Mountain wasn't too bad as far as pale ales go. I'm not a huge fan of pale ales though...


Bethanie said...

Sewing machine servicing sounds like a good b-day gift to me! I need t get mine serviced so I can work on the skirt that I've been meaning to start for about a year now. According to most of my friends, you could totally save the baby stuff for me. lol. The general consensus seems to be that I'll be popping out bebbehs sometime in the next year or so. Too bad my BC is good for another 2. I did find out that he has a date in mnd to propose. :) *insert squee here*

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