Mar 18, 2010

Kill It!!

I am going to claw my face off. On top of being sick for the last week and a half, I also had an allergic reaction to something last night. Hydro-cortisone cream did nothing. Benadryl did nothing. I went to bed with hives on my face and woke up this morning with hives on my face, neck, scalp, chest, and back. Excellent. I went to the doctor this morning and they gave me stuff for the creeping crud and some sort of steroid pills for the reaction. The combination of it all has made me so high that the walls are waving at me. Seriously. They go "Hello! SPARKLES!" at me when I look at them. The drugs also gave me a horrible headache. Needless to say, I'm taking another day off today. I was out sick on Tuesday also. My body is trying to kill me.

I need to keep my hands busy so I don't claw my skin off, but I'm too high to knit or really do anything. Typing is ridiculously hard to do. Bleh.


Bethanie said...

Ugh. *hugs* I'm so sorry girlie. I hate allergic reactions. Feel better soon!

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