Jan 11, 2014

Working, working, working.

Ava is 12 weeks old! She can grab things, rotate her Wubbanub monkey around until she finds the pacifier part, roll over both ways pretty consistently, and she is getting steadier while sitting up. She also has my scowl down:

This week was my first full week back at work. I spent three weeks working part time in order to fund some sudden car repairs, so I wasn't jumping right back to full time. It sucked all the same. In addition to the usual stress of the place, I have the added stress of not knowing what's going on and finding/fixing major problems my coworkers created while I was gone. One of the things I hate the most is having to fix other people's mistakes. No one will own to up to the mistake, so I get stuck with it. It's especially frustrating when it's on a spreadsheet that is thousands and thousands of rows long and took me years to find all of the formula errors. Now I basically have to start over with it because they have messed it up so badly. I almost cried when I looked at it the other day. 

It is so exhausting getting up between 3 and 4 am, nursing twice, pumping, dressing Ava and myself, getting her to daycare and myself to work, working 9-10 hours, picking Ava up, driving the 25-30 miles back home, washing bottles and pump parts, nursing her at least twice, making and eating my own dinner, getting everyone ready for bed (I also have two cats that need love and food), and then finally passing out around 10 pm. Thankfully baby girl sleeps through the night most nights, and it is easy to get her back to sleep if she wakes up when J gets home at midnight. I could not do this if she were still nursing every two hours on the dot. We are still trying to figure out a way for me to quit my job, but it won't happen any time soon. 

Baby girl's daycare is just a few miles away from my office, so I spend my lunch break nursing her, chatting with the daycare ladies, and watching the other kids in the infant room. They are so adorable! Besides my kid, I already have a few favorites, and will be sad when they move to the toddler room... The lunch nursing isn't exactly relaxing, but it's one of the few times I get to see Ava awake. J stops by to see her on his way to work also. We miss a lot because we work so many hours and have opposite shifts... Ava is doing well at daycare aside from already catching a cold. She loves everyone, is fascinated by the other kids, and is always smiling and happy. She has a little boyfriend already. He runs up to her every morning, pats her on the leg, and talks to her. She grins and giggles at him. It is just too cute! 


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