Nov 21, 2010

I'm Boring

I don't blog much anymore because my life has been pretty damned boring lately. Weekdays I get up at 6am, leave for work at 8am, try not to let the stupid at work kill my brain for many hours, get home at 6pm, eat dinner, and then spend the next three to four hours trying to get my brain to work again. Lather, rinse, repeat... From 5pm Friday through about 3pm Sunday, I have to decompress and chill out from the previous week. Right around 3pm Sunday is when I start to dread Monday morning and the 100+ emails I'll find when I get to work. Bonus fun this week since we lost a person Friday, so we're once again down to four office drones babysitting 50+ sales, delivery, and warehouse people. Awesome. Here's a hint. Would you like the office ladies to do your bidding ASAP? Be nice, say please and thank you in a non-sarcastic way, and don't piss them off with stupid shit you are more than capable of doing your own damned self. Would you like the office ladies to ignore you until the last possible second? In that case, you should be rude, treat the ladies like shit, believe that we sit in our cubes with our thumbs up our asses just waiting for you to give us something to do, and think that we live only to do your bidding. You choose which one you prefer...

Anyway, I'm here alone for the week, so I get to watch the movies and tv shows that I want to watch, read with no interruptions, and only have to find enough food to feed myself and the cat. I may even go bra and sweater shopping one night after work. Ick... I hate shopping. I'm too lazy to knit sweaters, so I have to restock my sweater inventory every few years. It's been about 4 years since I really restocked, and it's getting obvious. There's a giant snagged hole (definitely not chewed, so no moths!!) in my favorite sweater (red, 100% cashmere), my every day sweaters are getting a little ragged looking, and I accidentally felted one of my favorites... I love that I can wear jeans and a sweater to work. I also need to invest in a new pair of boots. I'm thinking about getting a pair of the plaid Sorel boots that I saw on today. They were adorable, about what I was planning on spending anyway, and they look super warm and waterproof. The tread on the bottom looks good too. I fell three times last year because the tread on my old boots is almost gone. I'm amazed I didn't break anything, and only bruised the shit out of my hip and hand/arm/elbow. I'm a little bit scared and paranoid now.

Oh, goody. 3pm. Time to break out my work laptop, do 10 minutes of stupid pointless work (run and email a pointless report), shut everything down, repack the laptop (it's an ordeal since the laptop doesn't actually fit in the bag they gave me), and then continue with my afternoon. I seriously have to work for 10 minutes on a Sunday because my boss is making the entire sales department work today to make up for having Thursday off. No one gets an extra day of pay either. Suck. They tried to get me to go in and do order changes, but there is just no way I'm driving all the way out there on a Sunday for less than an hour of work with no extra pay for my trouble.

But my cobbler is almost done! Yay!

This incredibly boring blog post is now complete. You may continue with your day.


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