Feb 1, 2010

This is my hell. Welcome.

Despite being snowed in, today has been the Monday from hell. After not sleeping last night (finally got to sleep just in time to be scared shitless by exploding manhole covers... never got back to sleep after that), battling my work laptop all day, orchids trying to commit suicide by diving off of their perching spot (yes, orchids perch on things when it's too cold on the windowsill for them), the cat flipping out and trying to attack me from behind my work laptop, and trying to read my boss's mind all day, I decided to play some STO and blow some shit up . So I turned my PC on and heard the clickety-clack of death from my hard drive. Nice. Now I get to buy a new hard drive, back everything up, change it all out, and hope that all of my programs and files make it this time. Oh, but I can't afford to even think about doing that until my next payday, which is in another week and a half. Awesome. Thumbs up. Let's just add in all of my ex's, a yappy dog, moth chewed yarn, and some balut. Welcome to my own personal hell!


Gwen said...

Umm, I'm kinda of regretting now that I looked up what balut is....

Unknown said...

It's even more traumatizing when you see balut for the first time in person. *shudders*

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