Nov 24, 2013

Mommy Groups

My midwife brought up mommy groups at my postpartum follow up on Friday, and suggested I look into one. Now I already knew mommy groups were a thing, and I know there are tons of mommy groups with all different focuses, but do I really want to join one? I am not a joiner. I don't enjoy groups of people, small talk, or even leaving my house. Yes, I could possibly meet some people, Ava could have baby friends, and I'd maybe find new things to do... 

But how in the world am I going to find a group here that won't think I'm a horrible person?! I am probably the most liberal person living in this entire county. I mean, this past election, I'd see those Women for Cuccinelli signs and I would think "HAHA! That's a hilarious joke! Wait.... You're totally not joking, are you...." I am also atheist. In my experience, liberal atheists are not usually welcomed in most groups. Do I bother trying to find a mommy group? I'm not super into groups based on baby wearing, cloth diapering, etc. Are there yoga mommy groups or book club mommy groups? Beer snob mommy groups? General nerd mommy groups where we teach our kids about Yoda, Bilbo Baggins, the Doctor, and Hellboy? Dude, that would actually be a fantastic mommy group... 

Are there groups that meet on the weekends?? Everything happens on weekdays! Doesn't anyone work anymore? Mom and baby yoga classes? Weekdays. LLL meetings? Weekdays. Mom and baby swim classes in the summer? Weekdays. What the fuck, people! I have to work weekdays, and I live/work so far from the city that even an evening thing is out of the question. It would take me 30-45 minutes to get into the city, and then it's over an hour drive back home. 

Ugh. Social interaction is so much hassle.