Feb 12, 2012


Since I couldn't get tickets to see Zac Brown Band in March, I decided that a trip to see The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band play at the Outer Banks Brewing Station would make an excellent substitute birthday present. Besides, a $5 concert at a brewery and a few days at the beach will be more fun than spending the same amount of money on a 2 hour concert at a big arena. I found a great off-season rate for a little hotel cottage thing with a full kitchen right on the beach not far from the brewery, so I went ahead and reserved it. It's probably not the best hotel, but I'm sure I've stayed in worse. The Motel 6 in Tennessee with no working toilet and no hot water in the shower is probably the worst. Anything is better than that!

Jan 22, 2012

Productivity is Overrated

Holy shit, I'm blogging! The only reason is because I'm bored, but far too lazy to be productive today. I did that yesterday. One productive day every weekend is more than enough. Yesterday I went through five boxes out of the spare room, started a bag to take to Diversity Thrift, filled up a box of crap to have shredded at Office Max ($0.79/lb for shredding that would take me months to do on my own? Well worth the money!), found the outer shell of my jacket, vacuumed to living room (including the couch), imported all of the cds I could find that hadn't been imported yet, found my Kurt Halsey bat print, and did not find my birth certificate that was the reason for all of this productivity. I have a bad feeling that I'm going to have to order one, which will probably take two months thanks to being born in the most populous county in the United States. Wonderful...

I have finished TWO projects in the last week. The first was my Ishbel shawl out of Noro Silk Garden Sock. It needs blocking before I can take a picture. It only took me about two weeks to knit. I had to frog my first attempt because I somehow ended up at the start of the lace bit with 10 extra stitches on one side and 12 stitches too few on the other. o.O I have no idea how I did that... The second FO is my third My So-Called Scarf. The first two scarves were gifts for other people, so I decided I needed one for myself. It's knit out of Malabrigo worsted, and is the softest scarf I've ever worn. I minimized the flaring on the ends by casting on and binding off fairly tightly, and also by added a single crochet border around the whole thing. I need to weave the ends in sometime today so I can wear it this week. Pictures another day when it's not so dreary and dark outside.

The current WIP is a pair of socks. My second pair of Jaywalkers, to be exact. Toe up this time. I haven't knit any socks lately, and I'm getting bored with my selection.

That said, I think it's time for a beer and more Doctor Who. We're going with a dog theme this weekend on the beer front. Thirsty Dog Old Leg Humper, Sea Dog Blueberry, and Flying Dog Dogtoberfest are all in my fridge right now.