Jan 27, 2010

Seven Words

Ommegang Abbey is a wonderfully tasty beer.

Jan 26, 2010


Someone make me get off my ass and make fajitas. I was lazy and bought preseasoned, presliced chicken, precut peppers, no onions because I was too lazy to back track to the produce section to grab one, and white rice. I just have to throw the rice in the rice cooker, cook the chicken, and then throw the peppers in for a bit. So easy. But I'm too lazy...

By the way, I've had free lunch 5 days out of the last 7 working days. Seriously. The free lunches are quite possibly the best part of my job... Well, that and when good beer goes on sale for $6 a case. Yes. $6 for 24 bottles of beer. That equals 25 cents per bottle... Well, those two things and the guy who sells stew and donates everything to charity. It's seriously good stew... Well, those three things and the fact that I can wear jeans to work... Well, I'm sounding like the tenth Doctor Who now, so I'll STFU and cook my damned fajitas.

Jan 24, 2010

Is it over yet?

I made the mistake of starting a new job during the busiest time of the year for the business. So not only did I have to learn how to do my new job, but I also had to do double the work of the person I replaced. FUN! I've been working all day, evenings after work, and at least one day of every weekend for the last month. I've been there for two months and I already need a vacation. I've been told that things will start getting slower around the middle of February. Hopefully they won't fire me before then because I'm so far behind. It doesn't help that every other company owned by the Big Corporation has two of me working full time, plus another part time person doing the pricing portion of my job. In other words, I'm doing the work of three people plus some miscellaneous stuff for the office manager. Isn't that just special? But it pays the bills. That's all I can ask for right now... Well, health insurance would be good, but that should be happening in the next week or so. Then I get to choose the first thing to get fixed! Should I get my knee fixed (it hurts worse and worse every year), get my sudden inability to process things checked (I never had this problem until about two years ago), find a fix for my being colder and more tired than usual (new thing this past year), get my ears checked (my left ear has been hurting off and on for almost a year now), or try for some BC to lighten my massively heavy periods (that are actually much lighter than they used to be since I started using a menstrual cup instead of tampons)?

On the knitting front, I am almost finished knitting a sweater vest (my first v neck item!), am 1/3 of the way done with another Jayne hat, and am nearly done with sock #1 of the zombie socks. I haven't had much time to knit with all of the hours I've been putting in at work, but the sweater vest has been fucking flying off the needles. It would be a 1-2 week project if I had more time to work on it. I go through about 1.5 50g balls of yarn every time I work on the thing, and I am just about the worlds slowest knitter when it comes to worsted weight yarn. Needles between US 5 and US 8 just kill my hands for some reason...

I am so addicted to Torchwood right now, it's not even funny. I ran out of Doctor Who episodes yesterday (I almost started sobbing during Journey's End...), and am thisclose to preordering the complete specials dvd coming out next month that has the unveiling of the new Doctor. *sniff* The ninth doctor was my first, but the tenth is my favorite... Anyway, Torchwood sucked me in. It's like a sexy Doctor Who meets X-Files meets CSI. I love it.

Cooking! I've been cooking lately! Now that I can afford the ingredients, I've been making us eat healthier. Well, healthier compared to what we've been eating... Besides our usual spaghetti, baked chicken, and fish, I've made lasagna, bacon wrapped meatloaf, and two berry cobblers from scratch (including any sauces!). This doesn't sound like much, but it is amazing when compared to my usual level of cooking. I'm trying to put together a plan for next week and the week after, but I have zero motivation right now.

Current beers: Harpoon Octoberfest and Four+ Brewing Rype. Octoberfest isn't too bad. I'm not a huge fan of Octoberfest beers though. I didn't like Rype the first time I drank a bottle, but it's growing on me. The orange flavor makes it rather tasty... I had a bottle of Three Floyds Dogfish Head Popskull earlier this week. It wasn't half bad. Lots of coffee and chocolate flavor. Not something I'd drink regularly, but still pretty tasty.